Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Article #188 Communication and Networking

As a new author trying to sell my self published books to the public, it’s been a struggle until I decided to focus on NETWORKING. Not being part of the marketing system-without a distributor, publisher or an enthusiastic agent representing me, I find it discouraging trying to sell my own books. That’s where networking or connections come in. Being a regular columnist for the Senior Sampler provides me the opportunity to let my readers know of my publications and contact me directly to purchase my books, but it’s a small market.

Expanding into organizations I belong to enlarges my possibilities of marketing. Belonging to local writing groups, a church family and a larger community brings more contacts that may know someone else with influence or interest in my works. Even giving away free books can generate some word of mouth or interest in others purchasing my publications. Recently I made a great contact at the Family History Expo with a book displayer, who agreed to buy a dozen of my books to try to sell in his store and online. If I hadn’t communicated or asked about the possibility of him doing that, it wouldn’t have happened. I reached out to network.

This concept relates to families and trying to preserve your heritage or legacy. What values have been important to your ancestors, your parents and yourself? Do you want your descendents to understand what influence your family background has had on you? Maybe it’s time to communicate-find your voice and do some networking. A family can be a wonderful place to connect as you share common bonds and close relationships. Whatever the problem or project to undertake, others can make the labor easier. If you can interest them.

In the good old days, families helped each other more out of necessity. If you lived on a farm, it took everyone’s labor to make a go of it. Nowadays the nuclear family seems to be more independent, that’s where us older wiser folks can step in and reintroduce networking by offering our services. Discussing with our grown children how we could assist them in teaching their children mutually agreed about goals or values. Whether it be honesty, morality or industry, a team approach intelligently thought out and planned can be more effective than the haphazard way most of us approach life. Just being a good example and a careful listener can be a great help.