Thursday, September 29, 2011

Article #167 What's Next?

Writing your life story now, no matter what age or stage in life you are in can bring helpful insights. Even if you are facing challenging trials: health, emotional, financial or otherwise, there’s always a silver lining…something to be grateful for: friends who listen and supportive family. Writing your life story is an opportunity to contribute to encouraging others in their journey. (Photo of my grandparents and me in 1962.)

Sharing insights and wisdom acquired in your life can assist your family and friends. I’m now in my 70s and can say as I LOOK BACK, it’s been a wonderful life. Not easy or comfortable at times, but I’ve always felt the hand of the creator guiding my life, answering my prayers, and opening up new possibilities when all seemed bleak. Faith can be a tremendous help in finding purpose in your life.

If your choice is to live without faith, you still have beliefs that have guided your life, family values that molded you into who you are today-a most unique person. It’s time to share your story with others. What would you like your obituary to say, what accomplishments are important in your life? Just marrying and raising a family is of great worth especially in our current society that doesn’t value those fundamentals. It takes commitment, sacrifice and love to go to work each day, and provide a secure home for a family with daily meals, clean clothes, etc. It’s a major accomplishment.

If you haven’t married or raised a family, how have you filled your days? Would you have like to have had a family? What are some questions you wish others would ask you about your accomplishments? Do you have any special hobbies or interests? Now you can ask yourself those questions and make the results a part of your family history.

Start today if you haven’t written your life story or completed this project. If you aren’t comfortable writing about yourself, start with your grandparents or parents and soon you’ll discover you’re writing about your own life. We are all part of one great family. Most friends come and go, but the relationships within our family can last forever. The fact that you were born into a certain family gives you the opportunity to connect and make a difference in others’ lives. Becoming the person you want to be is a challenge and your growth comes in the journey not the destination.