Leaving Las Vegas bright and early heading to Seattle.
Passing Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Shasta?
Still traveling, seems like my direct plane to Iceland was canceled
so I had to instead take a flight from Seattle to New York City.
Called the red eye for good reason, it left Seattke at 9:45 pm and
arrived in NYC at 5:23 am then the flight to Iceland was later
that afternoon. Talk about running around the country trying
to go east and north. I went west then north then east and south.
But I'll eventually get there I hope and pray...lol!
Safely in Iceland's capitol city Retykavik-it's Thurs. 7:18 pm in Utah
BUT Friday 1:30 am their time-it's a long story that I'll tell later.
Now it's time for bed...it's cool here probably in the 40 degrees.