Friday, June 3, 2011

Not taking things PERSONALLY

Wow is that a big STUMBLING block in my life.
How about you? Here's an example-REJECTION
from publishers/distributors of my newest book.
How do you NOT take that personally? It isn't easy.

Life is a process. There will be good and bad
experiences. I KNOW that. So why do I always
EXPECT only the good and not roadblocks
along the way. Guess I'm just HUMAN like you.

I can talk the talk ACT don't REACT but when
it comes time to walk the walk-that's different.
I take it personally. When I feel rejected by
someone especially family it's hard to ACT.

WRITING about my feelings helps a ton and
becoming an OBSERVER-trying to figure out
what is happening INSIDE of me at all times
and trying to STOP those negative little voices.