Friday, June 24, 2011


Interesting how you take things for granted
like an air conditioner, until the temp hits 102
and IT decides to breakdown. Guess who is
the most popular person in town today?
You got it-the AC technician. So we are waiting
patiently for rescuing from our hot air inside.
I remember my grandmother who NEVER had
an air conditioner-not in her house or her car.
She just pulled the blinds down on the windows
inside her house in the AM, let the cooler air in at night
and suffered through cooking over a hot stove
all day for boarders. She'd laugh at our silliness.
We have to be a constant temperature all year
with our gas furnaces and electric coolers in
cars, houses, schools, offices and even stores.
A bunch of wimps we are becoming! Grandma
had only to chopped some wood for her stove
or haul in some coal to warm herself then.
She was always warm, year round!
And those were the GOOD OLD DAYS....

PS. It's fixed only cost $200 for a little tiny part!

Another MONTH almost over...

APRIL was busy with lots of POETRY stuff, FAMILY CELEBRATIONS, DUP-Daughters of Utah Pioneers Convention and SPRING arriving.  Joint Poetry ...