Friday, May 27, 2011

Letting it all out!

I was talking with a close friend today about the need
every once in a while to just let it all out and SCREAM!
Of course you have to make sure you are all alone or
the cops could be called or people could think you're crazy.

Pressures in life seem to build at times in our lives
and we all need to let off steam or else explode or
worse implode and break down or loose control.
After a particularly trying day, I just let out a SCREAM!

It was okay, I was in the freeway driving all alone;
so no one could hear me or worry that I was hurt, etc.
It was so freeing to just release all that negative energy
pent up for so long or another idea is to try hitting pillows.

Stacked them on your bed when no one is around and just
let it go-all anger, frustration and exasperation into
the poor defenseless pillows. It's much more healthy
than taking it out on yourself or others. Believe me!