Thursday, April 21, 2011

Last FHE group

Well summer is coming and the snowbirds are heading home
while the year round residents of our area prepare for vacations.
I'll be headed off soon north to Utah Valley for workshops
and to visit with my family, especially the grandkids.

Our host Paul above starts the meeting by asking questions.

We had our last Family Home Evening group with a lesson on
the Amendments to the Constitution and studied 11-19 of them.
The first ten are called the Bill of Rights and I've realized how
little I retained of US History from high school and college.

Mary and Steve above are serious students of the political system.

That's my hubby reading the constitution, sitting by Paul's wife Sue.

Wanda and hubby Rick above participate in our discussions.

Now I'm interested in learning how our government works
when a student I could have cared less about history. Now
I am almost history...getting up there in years with 70 behind
me and who knows how many in front of me. Time to wise up!