Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Family Home Evening

Once a week on Monday evenings families throughout our Church gather together for FAMILY HOME EVENINGS with a short lesson or activity, game and refreshments. It's an opportunity to build communication, bond as a family and learn helpful lessons. Assignments are rotated with each member of the family helping with the lesson, singing, an activity or game, and the most important part-refreshments.

My son Daniel will be meeting with his family and giving a father's priesthood blessing to each of their children this week as they prepare to start the new school year. Without any children at home, we have joined an empty nest (retiree's) group to have family home evenings. The U.S. CONSTITUTION and AMERICAN HISTORY is our theme. We take turns hosting and teaching.

Last night we learned about the background of the Declaration of Independence which led to the Revolutionary War that many of my ancestors were involved in. It's funny how much more interesting history becomes as an adult. While in school even college it was not my favorite subject. Now I can look back and understand the events that really happened with new understanding.