Thursday, June 10, 2010

Negative Self Talk again

This seems to be a favorite topic of mine. I wonder why? Maybe because we all do it? We listen to the VOICES in our heads that are mostly negative-that criticize and say discouraging things to each of us. I'm taking a class right now called the DOT PEOPLE by Kirk Duncan. He has given us the assignment (1) to write down all the negative self talk we discover inside ourselves daily. Then we are (2) to counter that with two items in a new statement that is the opposite of our negative statement. Here's an example of mine:

I. You waste a lot of time. The opposite: I've accomplished a lot lately and I'm amazed. Another example:
2. I'm not confident in who I am. The opposite: I reach out to others and really care about them. (Confidence will come in time-a little inspiration there.)

Focus on the positive statement and see what feelings are created inside of you. And lastly (3) fill yourself with gratitude for the things you LOVE by writing them down. My list for today includes: early morning peace, time alone, secure financial situation, opportunities, and a body that is healthy. We are to continue doing this assignment daily. I can already see and feel changes happening inside of me. As I clear out the NEGATIVE VOICES, I will be open to receiving more INSPIRATION for living my life better. Try it, and you'll find out as Kirk always says: You are amazing!

P.S. Check out my poem My Sanctuary on my blog yesterday, it is related to this topic.