Friday, November 13, 2009

Shadows and Types

So many of my blogging friends are posting photos of SHADOWS that it certainly gets you interested in LIGHT and the resulting IMAGES that can be made of an object. So how does that relate to LIFE? Could a shadow be like an AURA or PREMONITION that you have about someone without really knowing them? (The problem here is judging without really having all the facts.) Take the situation where you met a new person either online or for the first time. You immediately form an IMPRESSION of the person which is kind of like a shadow-sketchy and not filled in with details. Sometimes it's just a gut feeling which I have learned to trust. Then as you interact with a person over TIME their TRUE personality or character comes out slowly UNLESS they are a skillful actor or deceiver. What you thought or prejudged about them is either PROVEN of CHANGED by your EXPERIENCES with them. This is particularly true with dating or superficial first encounters like meeting new people in a public situation. Also it relates to how you present yourself to others. I tend to be open and honest, although shy and quiet at first. It does take time for me to let others know the REAL ME when I build TRUST with them through interactions over time.

TIME and PERSPECTIVE are the elements needed to prove what someone real persona is. So we are not just concluding from shadows or IMPRESSIONS what that person is like. I can look back at many years of dating and even an earlier marriage where the person I met was very DIFFERENT from what that person was in their core or SPIRIT. We are good at that, putting our best foot forward and HIDING our imperfections which are revealed overtime with pressures. So it takes a certain FAITH in a higher power to make any friendship or relationship and a trust in the goodness of people. How about all the bullies, terrorists, and dishonest individuals in the world? They still have value as individuals with specific needs and wants, but we do need a PROTECTION against their abuses or the ability to take whatever experiences life hands us with acceptance and LEARN the lessons given. What do you think?