Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Self Image

Talking about marketing ourselves, got me thinking of the self image we all have. Considering first of all-AGE. I think we adults all feel younger inside that we appear outside. Gazing in a mirror or window as we pass a store or house, it's interesting how we PERCIEVE ourselves. First of all, I check out my WEIGHT-am I looking any better since I'm loosing weight? In the mirror a SMILE takes years off my face and makes anyone look better.

Then there's HAIRDOS and CLOTHES. I have some apparel that I love to wear and feel great in, then other articles of clothing that sit unworn in my closet. Everytime I try them on, I end up taking them off and putting them back on the hanger. I don't like how they feel or look. Those are items I need to donate to a second hand store, also old shoes that I never wear. We Americans tend to have too much MATERIAL THINGS and could so easily share our access with those in need. We're also too influenced by the skinny youth model standard out there in advertising and magazines.

So our SELF IMAGE is made up of many things-our appearance, our age, our experience with others, our CONFIDENCE, our outlook, health, current stresses, EXPECTATIONS, etc. We can choose HOW we see our life despite any problems or challenges that are in our way. One way to change our viewpoint is not to dwell on our problems but rather COUNT OUR BLESSINGS...write them in a JOURNAL or a BLOG. This is a great month to do that. Also we need to practice UNCONDITIONAL LOVE on ourselves-despite our challenges. God loves us, and we need to love ourselves. Even the scriptures back that up. Love your neighbor as yourself. Make a list in a comment of 10 of your greatest blessings or things you love about yourself and your life. Here's mine:

1. My family-each one of them
2. Faith in God and a church I believe in
3. Writing abilities and opportunities
4. Trust worthy loving husband
5. Living in Utah-my home
6. Opportunities to teach
7. Friends to enrich my life
8 Internet for blogging, education and shopping.
9. Health and opportunities to exercise
10. Ancestors and a heritage

Another MONTH almost over...

APRIL was busy with lots of POETRY stuff, FAMILY CELEBRATIONS, DUP-Daughters of Utah Pioneers Convention and SPRING arriving.  Joint Poetry ...