Sunday, November 29, 2009

Child Rearing

I love my grandkids dearly but sometimes
their noisiness drives me a little nutty.
So it's always a sense of relief, when it's
time to head home to our retirement nest.

I know why young couples have children.
By the time you reach my age, you are out
of patience to deal with the daily discipline
required to reach today's modern children.

I'm happy just to visit, read stories and listen,
while I leave it up to my son and dg-in-law to
discipline, train and deal with the day to day
problems; love and patience are required.

It's not easy being a parent, I know because
I parented for 35 years, sometimes patiently
and sometimes frustrated, especially during
their teen years. Now it's my time to watch.

As I see some of my grand children approaching
their teen years, it's a time of turmoil and self
questioning as each child tries to find their place.
All I can do is love each of them unconditionally.

(Photos from baby shower; girl baby is Rachel's niece
Lizzie in pink, and Elijah-a friend's boy baby in blue;
expectant couple is my son Jeff and his wife Rachel.)

It's MAY DAY again!

Celebrating LABOR UNIONS today, but how about all the MOTHERS who are the original labor unions throughout history and in all species. Love ...