Thursday, October 1, 2009

Vote for Daniel!

My son Daniel, Tina's husband shown here with the twins, has a computer graphic design company. He is a real go getter, has always been very creative in art and graduated in graphics arts on a scholarship from Utah Valley State College then later from University of Pittsburgh-online with Bachelors degree. Now he wants to go on for his Masters degree-don't know how he has time with all he does.

His company Media Rain is in a popularity contest with some videos they made. So anyone who would like to vote for their presentation on PianoMarvel by Rain-teaching piano lessons via the computer. Check out this link.

Can you believe September is gone...but not forgotten. What do you remember that was a TA DAH moment? I had so many just check my blogs to see. I really CONNECTED with my family that lives nearby including sons, dg-in-laws, and grandkids. We had several meals together, went shopping with my pregnant dg-in-law for maternity clothes, participated in grandparents day, read books to grandkids and we blogged together. The only drawback was I picked up some of their cold germs. Oh well-there's always a little opposition in all things.