Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Unfinished Business

Been thinking about projects
started but not completed
due to lack of interest or time.
Books purchased, a few pages
read but no drive to finish.

What can be lacking is endurance,
keeping focused, finding needed
energy to complete, to finalize.
But if the interest is gone so is
the desire to see it to completion.

What stops me? Other projects
needing my attention or just
lack of time? Still the project
waits and waits. Sometimes
disappearing from my memory

until that day I rediscover it:
the unfinished manuscript or
the idea for the perfect poem
collection to make for family,
a fun holiday gift to make and give.

It's time to choose an unfinished
task that interests me and complete it.
I choose...my husband's life story
The Unauthorized Biography of...
started long ago still waiting.
Now where are my notes?