Saturday, October 3, 2009

Teaching isn't always easy

Whether you are trying to teach your own kids, in the public schools, church or community education classes, it's a challenge. First, you need to know your subject matter really well, then have an interest in each student even the rude or disruptive ones. I've had those during my teaching years both at home, school (above photo of me teaching 1st grade many years ago) and in church groups. Seems I always got to teach cub scouts or boys at church even though I was a single mother with 4 boys at home. Today I love to teach only adults who for the most part will listen and cooperate, although that's not always true. Some turn off and out, don't listen and won't try to learn. When your instruction works and you see others learning that when it's really enjoyable. It also helps to teach a subject that you enjoy like computers, writing or genealogy for me.

My hubby's always wondering why I volunteer to teach or set up classes all the time. It's because I LOVE TO TEACH. Been teaching for almost 50 years now, although elementary school was my least favorite age to teach. Too many discipline problems before you can start to instruct. I loved being a school librarian because I had different classes and most kids enjoy books and the library. What's been your experience with teaching?