Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Aging Gracefully?

Is it possible to accept age gracefully without resisting it's downward pull both gravitational and emotional?
Maybe looking at the POSITIVES will help this unwelcome transition.

No more pregnancies or teenage rebels to deal with, just an EMPTY NEST at last. Remember all the longings while young for FREEDOM from child rearing and 24/7 care? "Oh I can't wait until they are grown up."

Now when you see them as ADULTS
struggling with their lives, it's payback time. Remember the parenting mistakes you made, you can now laugh as they repeat them. You are only the visiting GRANDparent.

Hurrah! No need to discipline the grandkids, that's their parents job. You can just have FUN. Read them books, share your childhood stories, go for walks, and enjoy the reward of past labors completed and a NEW SEASON of your life.

(Photos-Jeff as baby, his older brothers l-r Frank, Dan and Brook)