Monday, August 10, 2009

A Mouse Tale

Tripped by a little mouse you say,
putting its little foot in your way?
No, that would be quite silly.
It wasn't a real mouse just one
hooked to my computer.
When I stood up quickly to get
my laundry to fold, the cord
connecting it entangled my foot
and down I went with a big kerplunk.

I startled my husband sitting nearby
at his computer working away,
so quietly (quiet as a mouse).
Suddenly his wife went flying by
and landed not too gracefully,
on the floor next to his desk chair.
He was surprised, but ever helpful
as he's been a boy scout forever.

As I lay there not knowing
if I was okay, he commented
What happened? As if I knew.
Further observation proved
there were no broken bones
as I landed on my soft bottom
still wondering what had happened,
until I felt the mouse's tail
wrapped tightly around my ankle.

Now, I know my tech savvy son
would say-Mom, why did you buy
a mouse with a cord when it could
have been wireless and safer?

Too late to teach this old dog
new tricks, but now my mouse's
long tail is tightly wrapped with
a rubber band to keep me safe.

Another MONTH almost over...

APRIL was busy with lots of POETRY stuff, FAMILY CELEBRATIONS, DUP-Daughters of Utah Pioneers Convention and SPRING arriving.  Joint Poetry ...