Saturday, August 1, 2009

August is Here!

At this rate, summer will soon be over. Looking back on summer (June and July) so far list some HIGHLIGHTS for you in your comment. Here are my TaDahs:

1. Trip to No. Idaho and decision NOT to go into debt to buy a summer place after spending our married life together working to be debt free in our retirement. It feels good!

2. Finally publishing my first book LOOKING the "Good Old Days" that I'm trying to sell for $10 each and not give away free to everyone for printing costs like I have all the other many family history and poetry books I've written in the past.

3. Sticking with my exercise plan 4-5 times a week 1-1.5 hours daily of water aerobics. My body is thanking me for finally getting in better shape. Still loosing about 1 pound/week and trying to keep it off.

4. Taking the summer off from teaching a gadzillion classes for church, and community. We all need a break in our routine just to keep fresh. Will be teaching again in September.

5. Trying to take Artist's dates just with myself-going shopping or taking a drive alone or visiting a dear friend or going to lunch. Some activity that fills my well. Also making time for weekly dates with hubby.