Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Changing the World

It is within you to change the world––not the whole world but the circle of influence you'll be able to reach. Amazing quote from Ardeth Kapp-an LDS Young Women leader, writer and educator at a recent talk at BYU. That quote reminded me of my PATRIARCHAL BLESSING, that I received when I was 20 years old and a Junior at BYU, it says...you will be able to make a contribution to this world that will be helpful to its advancement and its upbuilding. That sentence always made me feel uneasy, not understanding what it really meant. Was I going to be famous (and rich), so that I could be an influence for good on many? Now reading it over in light of Ardeth Kapp's quote, it finally makes sense to me and relates to EACH OF US in our daily lives.

We all have the OPPORTUNITY to be an influence for good or bad on everyone we come in contact with but especially with our family members and close friends who we interact with the most. Just walking down the street or meeting a total stranger, we can IMPACT their life in some way. Maybe by saying just the right word or giving ENCOURAGEMENT to someone that needed a lift that day. I firmly believe that God uses US to touch the lives of others, and TO ANSWER THEIR PRAYERS. There is a deeper meaning and structure to our lives than any of us know. (Thanks to my friend Mary who is my teacher and my student-photo below. She's helped me find new doors with opportunities to explore. Check out her website. She makes lovely calligraphy pedigree charts with original illustrations.)

So how does one find that deeper meaning? Writing in a journal thoughtfully can help us unearth our PERSONAL MISSION here on earth. PRAYER, COMMUNION and MEDITATION also can elevate our thoughts beyond the mundane to see the whole picture. The PURPOSE of earth life and the effect our daily endeavors have on others shows us what we can accomplish, OPENS new doors, and develops a NEW OUTLOOK within us about our life. That's why I love BLOGGING, it's an opportunity to look into other's souls and share some of their deepest emotions and thoughts. Then take the time to respond and share your reactions on what they have written. Thanks to all who take time to comment on my blog-you make my day!