Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Olympics Reflections

for those of us who are watching the Olympics on TV each night, morning seems to come a little earlier these days. It's difficult for me to stay awake till almost midnight to see who has won and lost but I'm been impressed by the athletes' great efforts and dedication to training not to mention endurance. All qualities we could use in our lives. 

My California high school was known as the Olympians but I doubt many of us have lived our lives that way. Although we all had goals in life, whether it was to graduate-get a great job, marry and have a family and/or go to college, few have received the recognition or gold medal for outstanding achievement but then we aren't in competition with each other-only ourselves and what we can become. Excellence is a prize that most of us aren't willing to expend the effort to accomplish. 

It was interesting to watch the men's gymnastics team: the Chinese won gold and were so excited, the Japanese won silver and were disgusted with not winning gold, then the Americans were jubilant winning the bronze or third place. There's a lesson there to be learned. Celebrate your best effort not the outcome!