Friday, August 15, 2008

Competition or cooperation?

After watching and sleeping through so much of the Olympics, I feel totally frustrated when I hear a TV announcer's comments like this one at the women's gymnastics competition last night...her only hope to win is that someone will stumble badly. Dumb and very unsportsmanlike thoughts...but that's competition for you. I appreciate the contrast that can be part of sports where a team effort is necessary and a spirit of cooperation and good will more important than winning. I had a friend who coached a girl's basketball team in that spirit for our church. They had a marvelous time because they were aware of their responsibility to build relationships not just win. So they were happiest playing their best and being good sports, whether they won or not. Needless to say it really frustrated their opponents. Even that word is oppositional, isn't it?

Well that being said, I need to acknowledge my gold medal or blogging award given in that same spirit...not competition but encouragement and recognition which is then to be shared with another. Thanks Dawn Mercedes for the award, check out her blog and marvelous talent at making cards and raising kids. I pick for my I love your blog award, my friend Caryn. I really do love to read her posts even though they are not as often as I'd like to see, but she does comment on many of our blogs so you are aware of her sensitive and insightful thoughts. Hurrah for Caryn! Keep blogging and give this award to others whose blogs you enjoy.