Sunday, October 4, 2009

Alicia's Birthday

I 'm the mother of 4 sons, but also have 3 dg-in-laws and 4 stepdaughters (Photo l-r Alicia, Sarah, Katherine, hubby Allen, Deborah and myself.) Today is one of my stepdaughter's birthday-ALICIA. We didn't meet until I married her dad back in 1993. At that time, she was a student at BYU. Her newly divorced dad was up from NM visiting her at college when he decided to go to a SINGLES DANCE where we first got acquainted.

Alicia went on an LDS Mission to Minnesota where she met her husband to be Thor (photo on right) who was also serving a mission there for our church. They now live in California. She's a stay at home mom (see photo below of kids: l-r Anya, Alexis, Abigail, and Kalib.) Alicia is going back to college to finish her degree. Good for you ALICA. Have a happy HAPPY birthday!

It's MAY DAY again!

Celebrating LABOR UNIONS today, but how about all the MOTHERS who are the original labor unions throughout history and in all species. Love ...