Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Marketing Self

I went to an interesting lecture at the Writer's Conference last weekend about "marketing yourself" or building "a platform" as a writer, and I would add teacher, parent, spouse, etc. Maybe another word would be promoting some interest you have. Much like a politician does but hopefully with INTEGRITY and HONESTY for who you are and the services you are providing. I try to do that on my BLOG.

So, in order to PROMOTE myself as a writer and teacher, I am using my full name on my blog-it slips out every once in awhile anyway. I am also taking every opportunity to talk to others about my book that is for sale or classes that I'll be teaching. Yesterday I went to a local ACTIVITY FAIR to promote the community education Creative Blogging CLASS I'm teaching. I also displayed my book that is made up of articles I've published from my BLOG and COLUMN. So I got to accomplish two things at once.

Last night I had a fun class with 7 adult students who were enthused about creating a BLOG. As they get further along, I'll post their blog addresses so you can encourage them in this new endeavor. I love to TEACH, but it's always a challenge and especially when you have students with different levels of experience with computers. I'm going to find a way to post my handouts for those of you who might be interested or contact me at lin at sunrivertoday dot com and I'll email a copy to you of my first handout.