Sunday, June 14, 2009

Unique Talents or Abilities

I believe everyone has God given talents that are as diverse as the abilities to express yourself in an art form to teaching and touching lives with your example or friendship. I was a dancer in my younger years.

1. I danced in a professional ballet company The Los Angeles City Ballet. Started taking ballet lessons at age 15-after I convinced my mom to let me stop taking piano lessons.
2. Was an extra in Russian Bolshoi's Ballet's production of Romeo and Juliet in the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California. We were sewn into our costumes.
3. Won 1st prize in my high school talent show for a toe dance. Won a portable TV set in 1958-it was black and white TV then.
4. Always wanted to dance in Swan Lake ballet and the musical Oklahoma-never did.
5. Choreographed numerous productions-Shakespearean and other musicals.
6. Danced in Boy Friend, South Pacific, Cinderella, Coppelia, Twelfth Night, Kiss Me Kate, Dr. Somebody's Toy Shop, Our Town, Wizard of Oz, etc.
7. Majored in Dance at BYU, recieved a Bachelor and Master's degree in Physical Education (dance). Thesis-Israeli folk dance choreography.
8. Toured Europe in Summer of 1964 with BYU Folk Dancers on their first tour. Saw Paris, Belgium, Denmark, Italy, and Germany.
9. Part of the first Ballroom Dancers group at BYU-loved to dance cha cha cha, tango, waltz, quick step and all those other styles.
10. Taught college dance for 10 years at BYU, Wisconsin State Univ. at Stevens Pt, Univ. of Wis-consin at Mad-ison, Calif. State Univ. at Fullerton, and started several performing groups includ-ing a folk dance group, modern and ballet groups plus creative dance classes for children.

But age and other respon-sibilities such as supporting my family as a single parent demanded that I find a different job which led me to elementary teaching then being a school librarian and finally a part time community education coordin-ator. Now I am retired-I write. It's easier with an aging body but it's still very creative and expressive. My husband isn't a dancer, though we met at a singles dance.

What do you like to do? Tell us about you and your talents in a comment or on your blog.