Sunday, January 4, 2009

What is hope?

Hope-trust, anticipate, wish, look forward to, expectation, desire, chance. To have a wish to get or do something or for something to happen or be true, especially something that seems possible or likely.

What hopes do we have for our lives? To be happy, to be loved, to make a difference in somebody’s life, to accomplish something of significance, to have an effect on the world. All that sounds good but without a plan for our life or a focus we can just wander through life. We need to know why we are here, what we can accomplish while here and where we are going next. That’s where religion comes in at least for me and gives me the reason and structure for going forth with my life. Yesterday I was able to go to the temple and feel the peace that resides there and meditate on my life and the example of the Savior. It is an anchor to my life.