Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Goodbye to Pres. Bush

You have to admire Pres. Bush's upbeatness in tv interviews as his popularity declines. Hardly anyone has anything good to say about him but I believe he did his best in trying to lead our country in the fight against terrorism. I certainly do admire his moral character after the fiasco that was part of the previous administration under Pres. Bill Clinton. I was absolutely ashamed by Clinton's antics in his personal life while serving as President of our country but I have always looked up to Pres. Bush's personal integrity even when I lost confidence in his policies of continuing the war in Iraq. 

I believe he pursued the war there with the best of intentions, maybe time will tell on that front. We do have to admit that during his two terms, America was not attacked internally by terrorists. The focus of the battle was overseas. So as he leaves office, let's not be too critical of him but realize he gave it his best efforts. Read this article for more info. I admire his wife Laura and her work for women's betterment throughout the world. It's not easy to be President of the United States, as our new President Obama will soon find out. May God bless America and our new leaders.