Thursday, August 21, 2008

Reader's Location

Found a way to check out who is reading my blog and not commenting. Just added a live traffic feed called Feedjit. I saw it on Dawn Mercedes blog and wondered how she got all that information on people who were looking at her blog. So I just clicked on the button on her blog and it told me how to add this widgit to my blog's template. It's fun although it doesn't disclose the name of who is reading your blog, it does have the location city and state. You can even add a world map to show your readers. See it on this page at the bottom right of my blog.

I know the location of many of my regular readers who do comment, so I can see how many new or unknown locations or people are checking out my blog. BUT I still wish everyone who reads my blog would persist in getting registered with Google so they could comment OR at least would take the time to comment as an anonymous person. That's what makes blogging fun! Once you are registered with Google then you can start your own blog quite easily and we are here to help you join us and our community of friendly bloggers being creative and having a voice on the Internet.

It's MAY DAY again!

Celebrating LABOR UNIONS today, but how about all the MOTHERS who are the original labor unions throughout history and in all species. Love ...