Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Thanksgiving Guests arrive

My son Daniel, his wife Tina and all of their family will be here for Thanksgiving. Dan has rented a condo for his extended family to fit in which will help as our retirement home is small. While here we'll go to walk through the Tabernacle of the Old Testament exhibit here in town then feast together tomorrow.

Family visitors: l-r Lin, Dan, Gabby, Emilee, Tina and Heather

Youth guides explain the Tabernacle of Old Testament exhibit 

At the Tabernacle entrance gates, guides explain what we'll see

Inside the Tabernacle-Altar of Sacrifice where lambs were offered 

Altar of Laver of Water for High Priests to wash their hands 

Inside The Holy Place the Altar of Incense was burned
by the High Priest, and displays were kept with a 
Table of Shewbread displayed and Menorah candles

Seven Branched Lampstand or Menorah candles
burn symbol of their faith and deliverance by God

Inside the Holy of Holies, is the Ark of the Covenant that held
the precious reminders of their faith-see below for contents

Inside Ark of the Covenant: l-r Bowl of Manna, Tablets
with 10 Commandments + Aaron's Twig that bloomed

For more info & videos, see their website below

For more history and details see

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Autumn Leaves are Here!

Went for a short ride to nearby Gunlock and Veyo little towns just outside of St. George then a drive through colorful Snow Canyon. Loving the warm weather and prediction of rain much needed here.

Lots of golden leaves near Gunlock 
Easy to see where the river runs in this valley north of Gunlock

Love this picturesque little pond near Gunlock

Golden Cottonwood trees dominate the scenery

Snow Canyon has beautiful bedrock scenery

Interesting layers of color from sedimentary action

Love those St. George colors everywhere in Snow Canyon

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

November is here...

So busy on FACEBOOK that my blog gets forgotten and I discover it's already NOVEMBER-the month of giving THANKS...

I'm thankful for MY FAMILY...

Love the FALL SEASON traditions/colors!

Thankful my BFF Caryn is back so we can shop/do lunch

Thankful for my home and my hubby-all our comforts!