Monday, May 8, 2017

Party Time with Friends

Today we had a pot luck party at Caryn's home with some of our Creativity class members. Enjoying a fun repast of food and art journaling, we created covers for our Morning Pages journals at Caryn's new place on the patio. The weather has cooled and it was in the low 80s just perfect for outdoor activities and listening to their waterfall and sharing thoughts.

Enjoying our friendship on the pation for lunch and art journaling.
Pat shows off her creative collage
Akemi's journal cover had a unique flavor to it.
My cover and some words to inspire me this month.
Akemi's closeup collage pasted together
All four journals each unique and different from the others.
Caryn's lovely backyard with waterfall and desert landscaping
Even a shaded birdbath awaits
This is going to be extraordinary when it blooms
Little splashs of color amid the rocks and sand.