Saturday, May 14, 2016

DUP Jubilee

Closing social for Daughters of Utah Pioneer sCompany
Officers of our company which includes six different DUP camps
l-r-Company President Jerri Francis and Camp Captain Karen Camp
Special musical number by the Sunflower camp
Making pioneer cloth dolls in a group setting
Pioneers made do with simply things, not store bought...
We rotated between three different groups.
Here we learned how to make butter from cream by shaking it
Shake cream for 6-7 minutes, add a little salt and you have butter-tasty!
Then spread it on bread-so yummy. All you need is a cow!
Playing pioneer games-Button button, who has the button?
Cat's cradle Sherilyn and I did a good job of figuring it out.
Button button who has the button is a simple game but fun.