Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Dixie Poets' Christmas Party

Time to celebrate the holidays, we started early-Dec 1st.
Creative potluck always holds many tasty dishes!
So fun to visit with 19 fellow poets and spouses who joined us also
Eating took place first, then on to reading poems out loud
Fae Ellsworth performs her original poem
Sue Leth shares her winning poem from the Arizona contest
Markay Brown reads a favorite poet's Christmas poem
New member Lenore Madden shares her poem with us
Julie Boe a new member of Dixie Poets from last year reads her poem 
Marie Tollstrup recites her expressive poem
Gary Christian-our treasurer-sec reads his well written poem
Bus (Donald Groves) always has a surprise ending to his poems
Peggy Anderson is thinking of joining our group and shared a poem
Dixie Pres. Alma Richie always has thoughtful poems to share
Karma Wasden and her hubby read her original two voice poem.
Tow other poets read also: Candy Fowler and me-Lin Floyd.