Monday, December 29, 2014

Article #324 Final Goodbye

            It’s time to say goodbye to my Senior Sampler column after almost six years of writing Looking Back… Not moving away, just ready for a change. This column started in April 2008, a year after we moved to St. George and settled into our Sunriver retirement community. I joined several writing groups locally: Heritage Writers Guild and the Dixie Poets. Having contributed articles to several magazines, the idea came to me to write a weekly column. During a bout with a bad cold, I spent time thinking about what to write. Because of my love for family history, the idea came quickly to explore my younger days as child growing up in rural Utah. thus came this column’s title Looking Back…

            How fun to recall experiences with my grandparents, Saturday night baths in an old tub, using the outhouse, gathering pine nuts, etc. Sending out query e-mails to several local newspapers, the Senior Sampler responded positively. Thus began my new hobby of volunteer journalism. After writing about my youth and things I learned growing up, I decided to gather these stories together to publish a book with all my columns in one place. 

            My first self-published book is entitled:
Looking Back at the Good Old Days describing my experiences growing up with the old fashioned values of my parents and grandparents. That, of course, lead to my next book Find Your Voice, Write Your Life Story which examines my journey from teenager to bride to mother to grandmother. It also includes tips on writing, editing and publishing your own life story. Both of these books are tied to my weekly columns and can be read for free at Just click on my author’s name in the left column and you’ll find a collection of my past weekly articles or better yet buy my books or read my blog which contains all my articles and current books.

             Writing has brought me enormous rewards and free therapy as I discovered the value of contemplating your life to understand the journey we each take. My final book (so far) Discover Your Voice After Divorce: Writing Workbook for Healing and Recovery evolved. It is available in print from me for $15 or as an e-book for $5.99 at Thanks to my many readers who have encouraged me along the way. May you find your voice by writing about this journey called life.  No NEXT TIME.