Saturday, October 11, 2014

Fun with a FRIEND

Some friendships are forever. I met Birgitta who lives in Sweden about 35 years ago when I was married to a Swede. She and I wrote letters back and forth before there were emails and eventually met. Over the years we have shared our lives and grown to be like sisters. How fun to see her. We went shopping, eating at several restaurants, saw the Meet the Mormons movie, attended the temple, walked, talked, looked at old scrapbooks and enjoyed renewing our friendship. Now she is on her way back to her homeland.

Soup and salad at Olive Garden and lots of conversation
Showing SunRiver to Gittan with St. George in the far background
Pine Valley Mountains in the distance
Birgitta taking photos of the St. George temple
Quite striking the whiteness in the blue sky
Photos from inside the Visitors Center where there is a display of Book
of Mormons in about 50 different languages out of the 110 that exist.
First Mormon temple completed in Utah by the pioneers
In early days the temple was on the outskirts of town,
now it's in the center of the city!
Birgitta seems herself in some of my many scrapbooks

Another MONTH almost over...

APRIL was busy with lots of POETRY stuff, FAMILY CELEBRATIONS, DUP-Daughters of Utah Pioneers Convention and SPRING arriving.  Joint Poetry ...