Saturday, March 29, 2014

Another month rushes by...

This past MARCH has been too busy with workshops, meetings, and new responsibilities. I'm trying to regroup and prioritize. It's not possible to do it all, but I think I did this past!

1. TAUGHT two Saturday classes at AHA-Life Story and Healing from Divorce, also Family Tree: how to upload photos and stories for Sunriver Computer Club,

2. TOOK classes I-Pad computer class, Creativity class at AHA plus an OPEN HOUSE there, attended Heritage Writers Guild class on WEB DESIGN, pioneer history class at DUP-Daughters of Utah Pioneers, and three day workshop with Genius Boot Camp on how to achieve your dreams.

3. CHURCH-attended Sunday meetings, Relief Society Birthday party, Got called into church leadership as RS 1st Counselor in charge of teachers, went to RS LUNCH BUNCH and WOMEN'S CONFERENCE, attended the temple, and Italian Birth Record Indexing.

4. EXERCISE-Managed to get to most of my MWF seated arthritis classes plus walked almost daily.

5. WON AWARDS at Mesquite Fine Arts Gallery, attended reception and wrote press release about it.

6. HOME IMPROVEMENT- bought flat screen TV installed, new fan, bamboo beaded curtain in closet.

7. POETRY-Successful POETRY in THE PARK and attended REDROCK WRITERS Creative Writing Seminar, and Dixie Poets meetings.

8. FUN Wednesdays with Caryn window shopping around town

9. WROTE my columns for Sr. Sampler, BLOGGED, had more LIFE STORY books printed

10. COOKED meals, cleaned house and SURVIVED with hubby's support and a few dinner dates thrown in! I resolved to do less next month and enjoy it more. Family is coming to visit-hurrah!

What were the highlights of your MARCH activities? Leave a comment.