Thursday, November 8, 2012

Personal Battles

Living in a retirement community, I'm always amazed by the individuals I have the opportunity to get to know better. At first glance, it's easy to form an opinion: i.e. successful retired couple from Northern Utah or California happily married 50 or more years, lots of grandchildren. But then when I get to know each of my neighbors better and they let me into their lives to learn the details, I'm amazed at the battles many, if not all of them, have faced during their lifetime: health issues, lost children in their youth who died or became addicted to drugs, alcohol or divorce. The list could go on and on.

Yet they carry on with their lives with a brave smile and hope in their hearts. I see them as the winners of the personal battles we all have to face during our lifetime. It may be the death of a spouse or parent, a lost job, broken friendships, disappointments, cancer or physical disabilities or all of these challenges. We all need each other's support and love especially within families to carry on. Prayers from the heart for each other's welfare will strengthen both the giver and the receiver.