Sunday, November 11, 2012


A very interesting weekend retreat Visual Journaling,
a community education class taught locally
(click below to enlarge photos)

AHA Center- Artful Healing Academy
Director Becky Cox-Certified Art Therapist 
It was a small class with four students but very effective
Some amazing art was shared and healing at the same time
Christina made a 3-D art piece-very creative
We explored our physical well being
Emotional feelings with collage art and words
Left and Right Brain thinking 
Examined our spiritual yearnings
Scribble drawings=Life's Complexity 
Medicine Cards-Totem Animals got me in
touch with my lost motherly feelings
Zen Drawing as I analyzed a multi-layered rock
and compared it to my life and growth
Using a Mandela to answer the question of my heart:
How bring my family together? The understanding
that came was: Unity is not conformity.

I have more journaling to do and experimenting with art as healing 
and to find understanding from this very insightful class.