Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Leaving a LEGACY...

Today I was invited to the meeting of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers camp that I started after I moved to New Harmony, Utah in 2001. There wasn't a group in our little town so I organized one with 10 members. It eventually expanded to over 20 members. We had a fun time preserving the history of our small pioneer community and studying the history of our own pioneer ancestors. It was a lot of work to organize but I had lots of support from my new neighbors and friends. We took many field trips, held monthly meetings Sept through May and participated in service projects plus a pioneer day parade. I truly felt returning here today that I had created a legacy that continues with the fine leadership of the new captain and previous captain. I served 5 years then Margaret took over for the next 5 and Connie is the new leader. Today was our 10th anniversary. Learn more about DUP's purpose and history here.

Connie-new DUP Captain, Lin-1st captain, Margaret-2nd captain

Founding members of the New Harmony DUP Camp in 2002: 
l-r: Connie, Lin, Joan, JoyLynn, Christie, Vonnie & Susan

I received a thank you note and a lovely pioneer handkerchief doll.

Just a fancy handkerchief tied with knots made a 
simple doll for a pioneer girl to play with. 

Back of handkerchief doll

It's MAY DAY again!

Celebrating LABOR UNIONS today, but how about all the MOTHERS who are the original labor unions throughout history and in all species. Love ...