Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Leaving a LEGACY...

Today I was invited to the meeting of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers camp that I started after I moved to New Harmony, Utah in 2001. There wasn't a group in our little town so I organized one with 10 members. It eventually expanded to over 20 members. We had a fun time preserving the history of our small pioneer community and studying the history of our own pioneer ancestors. It was a lot of work to organize but I had lots of support from my new neighbors and friends. We took many field trips, held monthly meetings Sept through May and participated in service projects plus a pioneer day parade. I truly felt returning here today that I had created a legacy that continues with the fine leadership of the new captain and previous captain. I served 5 years then Margaret took over for the next 5 and Connie is the new leader. Today was our 10th anniversary. Learn more about DUP's purpose and history here.

Connie-new DUP Captain, Lin-1st captain, Margaret-2nd captain

Founding members of the New Harmony DUP Camp in 2002: 
l-r: Connie, Lin, Joan, JoyLynn, Christie, Vonnie & Susan

I received a thank you note and a lovely pioneer handkerchief doll.

Just a fancy handkerchief tied with knots made a 
simple doll for a pioneer girl to play with. 

Back of handkerchief doll