Sunday, September 30, 2012

Article #214 Spiritual Nourishment

            There is a need within most individuals for balance in different areas of life including physical, intellectual, and spiritual. Physical needs usually dominate while spiritual activities are low on the list. Finding solitude and time to meditate daily can help nourish your inner self in these frantic modern times filled with daily appointments and pressures. Take time to push the pause button. A deep breath can help slow the dissonant voices in your mind. Getting outside in nature and contemplating life can do the same thing. Listening to New Age or light classical music always helps me to slow down and get in touch with the real priorities in my life that are not my TO DO list. My top priority is my own personal growth as an individual and that includes my interactions with family, friends and my Creator.

            Taking time for inner nourishment whether reading scriptures or good books, doing service for another person or meditating can be neglected as you focus only on survival rather than your values or guiding principles. Too many are on a daily diet that doesn’t include spiritual food. While rarely missing a physical meal, few take time to pause or even slow down the rat race to contemplate life’s purpose. Make time to ponder the growth you can make from the challenges that come your way. It can help move you from reacting (stressing out or surviving) to acting (living more fully.)

            Journaling or writing about your feelings/problems helps you slow down and get in contact with the real you, the person that you can be. Everyone needs inspiration and guidance in this journey called life. It’s possible to be active in a faith, whatever religion you believe in, but never take the time to feed your inner self. What fills your spiritual well? For some it is attending church services, listening to inspirational music. For others, a day in nature’s beauty fills their cup to overflowing. Too many ignore their spiritual needs and focus on numbing the body with substitutes that only mask the emptiness inside.
            It’s time to examine your life and see if you are participating in those kinds of activities that take your inner (spirit) self to a higher plane. Explore that topic in your journaling; you’ll be amazed at what you’ll discover when you slow down to smell the roses. NEXT TIME: The Final Graduation