Monday, January 11, 2010

More Nature Poems

Been having fun putting together a little book for my grandkids on nature poems that is going to be both educational and hopefully entertaining. Here's another one:

by Lin Floyd

Ever caught a fish?
They make a tasty dish.
First, they have to be caught
or they can be bought
at a grocery store
for five dollars or more.

Finding worms for bait takes time,
then they must be hooked on a line
to dangle before a fish who is foolish
and only looking for his dinner dish.
He bites the hook, you hank the line
and hope the fish is big and fine.
Unless he's still there dangling on the end,
you’ll have to try fishing at the next bend.

Sometimes all you can do is drown worms
or tangle your line up in bushes or branches.
Then it's time to stop, build a nice campfire
to cook your hot dogs or fish on the bonfire.
Outdoors with your family in God’s backyard
eating lots of gooey s’mores is a fun reward.