Saturday, January 30, 2010

Earthquake Insurance

Well, living near a fault line in Southern Utah and having seen the destruction in Haiti by earthquakes, we decided it was time to get eathquake insurance for our home. Interesting how there are so many different kinds of insurance in our modern world: for our cars, homes, lives, medical needs, burial plans, etc. I think it makes us feel safer to have insurance on things important to us. Too bad there isn't also insurance for marriage success, obedient children, retirement and happiness also.

Somethings can't be guaranteed and indeed can almost be said to be part of the experience called life. Although we would wish for no health problems, prosperity, and constant happiness I wonder if that would really make us happy? There's a certain challenge to overcoming obstacles and improving our weaknesses that make for the growth that is part of this life and necessary.

What are your feelings about this topic?