Thursday, April 26, 2018


A moment ago, I was on my feet
now I find myself flat on the ground
Splat, didn't see the cement lifted
in the sidewalk as I walked by.
But it saw me hurrying along
and did its thing, tripping me.
Too quickly, I'm down-looking up
at shocked hubby and bystanders.

Who ask...are you okay? Definitely
not, I think but quickly reply...YES!
Except for blood dripping from somewhere
only a small cut on my wrist but...
I hit my arm going down, missed
breaking my fingers, shoulder or hip.
I only have several bruises here
and there now purple, swollen and sore.

I'm FINE, just disgusted with growing
older and forgetting to SLOW DOWN! 


  1. Oh Lin! I'm so glad you didn't break anything, but what a jarring to the system. I wish you a speedy recovery.

    Enjoyed your poem. Bren xox

  2. Oh no...Falling is a scary thing..I am glad that you didn't break something... hugs..Michelle

  3. Make sure it wasn't a mini stroke or fainting. You're the fourth person I've heard about lately who had a "sudden" fall. Three thought they had tripped on a sidewalk, one fell while going to the bathroom in the middle of the night. All four said they found themselves SUDDENLY on the floor/ground. We seniors should check that sudden falls are not related to a heart condition, low blood pressure, or muscle weakness.

  4. Falling down is so much easier these days. I find myself in danger of it often. It is not recommended! Glad you are mostly OK.

  5. Oh Lin, I'm so glad you're okay and didn't break anything. Sorry to hear this happened to you. I hope all is going well now. Will keep you in my prayers!

  6. Good grief, Lin! Thank goodness you didn't break anything although you did get bruised. Please take care of yourself.
