Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Back to EXERCISE class

I've been really good on going to exercise class 3 times/week
Then I got sick––it's been weeks, probably before Christmas 
since I've felt like exercising. But there's always new resolutions.
It's back in the saddle again, exercising as I ride off 
into the morning sunrise.

Image from


  1. There's something about starting up once you've taken a break (for whatever reason). I congratulate you for getting started up again.

  2. I'm glad you are back to the exercise, as it will definitely help with whatever you are trying to achieve. I plan to walk more as soon as our weather stabilizes.

  3. You can do it, Lin. Just get going!

  4. Me too, me too! I need to really concentrate on exercise so I'll be ready for the Great Aloha Walk in February. Yikes!
