Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Monsoons are HERE!

 Can it be drops of rain falling on our hot desert home?

Soak in the moisture for it will soon be gone and only a memory.

Thirsty sandy soils and dry leaves welcome the refreshing rain.

Lightning and thunder announce the arrival of the monsoons!

Even our  jeep gets a welcome car wash as a cloudburst arrives.

Enjoy the welcome refreshment of our respite from the heat.


  1. Oh I can relate, Lin.... it's so great to hear the thunder and rain when we live in area where it doesn't rain all that much. Thanks for the thoughts!

  2. I can imagine how welcome a downpour must be in such a dry climate. Our showers so far this summer have been nicely spaced. My garden is loving it.

  3. I suspect we will be praying for rain in another two or three weeks. This looks to be a long hot summer here too.

  4. you got drenched like we did this last Tuesday. The rewards from all the rain is a beautiful green grass
