Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Life is a TEST!

Ever have the feeling like you are recycling certain experiences
that you thought you understood well enough to avoid.
Well it happens, guess it's called déjà vu which means already
seen or done-as in being familiar or a pattern. There are therapies
and even medications to help you break this cycle or pattern.

Interestingly enough, I find myself caught in an experience
where my actions are interpreted as being negative, when they
were quite innocent with no offense intended. It reminds me of
The Dance of Anger book and my new year's resolution of

TO ACT NOT REACT. If I ignore the criticism maybe it will go away?
But somehow we have this self protection mechanism inside to react.
Easier said than done to act in a positive way, in fact I'm even writing
on that very topic this week, but didn't want to have to live it too.


  1. I think all you can do when someone has taken offense is to apologize and to let that person know it was not intended. It's always difficult knowing you've hurt someone. I'm sure we've all been through that and it doesn't get any easier.

  2. Kay, you're so right. It doesn't get any easier. ODD!

    Lin, the "Easier said than done to act in a positive way"...part is a tough one. (sigh)

  3. It's been a while since I've visited... it was a treat to browse through your postings and catch up, Lin!

  4. No it doesn't get easier, but it is the right thing to do...
