Sunday, September 2, 2012

Bird Refuge

 Near Bonners Ferry, Idaho-a lovely wildlife refuge

 We are less than 30 miles to the Canadian border

 A solitary bird enjoys his stopover.
 Water and greenness everywhere.

 Moyie Falls dam from above the bridge.

Workers were tangling from the bridge repairing it. 

Plenty of grass and water for all.

Kootenai River flows by.

 Definitely Moose territory but didn't see any.

 Taking a hike to the waterfall that feeds the refuge meadow.

 Ah, fresh cool water and shade also NO MOSQUITOES...

Looking down on the refuge.

It's a wild turkey flock nearby!

It's MAY DAY again!

Celebrating LABOR UNIONS today, but how about all the MOTHERS who are the original labor unions throughout history and in all species. Love ...