Monday, June 28, 2010

Finding ROOTS

How amazing it is to trace your roots back in time. I found my Vernon ancestral home in Derbyshire, England recently, and then with more help from I found where my husband's FLOYD family comes from-Wales. (Photo from wikipedia.) I know nothing about that country except it is next to England and the people there speak a very strange language.

I'm told Wales has wild and picturesque landscapes and they speak a strange language called Welsh. Here's an example: P'nawn da! Sut wyt ti? Dw i'n trio dysgu siarad Cymraeg. This is how the Internet translated that: Blunt ' we do good! Manner you are being you? Dw I ' heartburn triads learn speak Welsh. (It loses something in translation. Lol) The country has quite a vast history from Celtic to Anglo Saxons, vikings and Romans who have tried to settle in the area. Would love to visit it one day.

It's MAY DAY again!

Celebrating LABOR UNIONS today, but how about all the MOTHERS who are the original labor unions throughout history and in all species. Love ...