Sunday, July 18, 2010

Learning Life's Lessons

With growing older can come wisdom
as we take time to reflect back on our life
with its many difficult lessons in patience,
perserverance, fortitude, and courage.

Meeting daily trials and not giving up,
having a purpose in mind and pursuing
lofty goals with guidance from above
can help us along the way as we stumble.

Looking back and reflecting as our own
children age and face some of the same
challenges we did: how to survive financially,
health concerns, raising toddlers and teens.

A family reunion is a small microcosm
of the universe as we observe others in all
stages: children, newlyweds, new parents,
teens, grandparents facing life's ups and downs.


  1. A great photo to accompany this wonderful poem, Lin. Great stuff.

  2. Wonderful poem. And how true indeed.

  3. That sure is the beauty of growing older...very well said. Nice poem.

  4. I do feel wiser now than I did before and I'm seeing my children sometimes making mistakes I wish I hadn't. I keep wanting to intervene, but I have to remind myself that often times, they don't want me to keep pushing them to do it my way. They have to make their own errors and learn from it so they can feel wiser later.
